The program that gets you ahead in college admissions
Cohort gets students ahead at a fraction of the price of traditional counseling
Access world-class advisors and mentors
Get guidance for every step of admissions from recent graduates of 25+ top universities in high-demand careers
Proactive insights, robust tools
Our unique platform and ecosystem allow us to give students direction before they even ask
Counseling that costs $6,000
$600/school year
of class of 2024 was accepted to a Top 50 school*
of class of 2025 submitted an early app (full results in May!)
*Unlike other programs, Cohort does not choose who to “accept”
Our students achieve great outcomes with Cohort
The number one reason why applications are unsuccessful is because of missed deadlines
Figuring out when to start can make the biggest difference in college outcomes
The simplest strategy to manage the admissions process is starting before the Common App opens
People think the way to submit successful applications is a secret. It’s actually about doing a lot of steps, at the right time, and well
The most “successful” applicants are doing more than people realize
Developing an expert-level sense
of how their profile compares
Submitting 10+ applications
Using every part of the Common
App to their advantage
Influencing the quality of their letters of rec
Finishing essays before
October of their Senior year
Selectively applying to scholarships they will win
Revising all essays several times
Submitting 3-5 applications before November 1st
…and more!